Team Building

Team Building Melbourne

If you are looking at undertaking some corporate team building, then think carefully first about what you are wanting to achieve as outcomes.
  • Let"s just have some fun together!
Some organisations see team building as arranging some go-carting or abseiling as the solution to improving workplace morale. This of course can often be far too simplistic a solution - although that's not to say it's a completely worthless exercise. Sometimes corporate team building might well involve some type of shared physical challenge and having some fun together - but not necessarily.
  • Many other team building options
A team building process could involve a review of the future relevance of the team's goals, roles and values for example. It could comprise seeking some feedback from key stakeholders of the team, rating their level of satisfaction with service delivery of the team

Or team building could be designed to enable group members to explore and understand individual differences in communication and working styles that exist within the group, as a basis to identify ways of working better together. This could involve some profiling of team members for example

The point is that depending upon what you want to achieve through your corporate team building, then either an office based design or an outdoor adventure learning based design could be appropriate.

In the following short video clip, I share some thoughts on how you could design your own team building session ....

We are based in Melbourne, why not give us a call to discuss whether we could assist you with your corporate training needs.  PH (03) 9725 3777

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